In this interview, Jessica Gould shares her inspiring journey from college to becoming a prominent advocate for individuals with disabilities. She reveals the challenges and triumphs of her career, highlighting the importance of legislative education, collaboration, and empowering voices within the disability community. Through her work at J Gould Consulting, Jessica Gould’s passion for unity and advocacy shines, offering insight into the future of disability rights.
From College to Advocacy: Jessica’s Early Journey
Initially, I went to college. With the intention of entering the behavioral analysis. While doing my studies, I volunteered in the Intellectual Developmental Disabilities space regulational capacity by volunteering on state and federal boards.
The Path to Becoming a Legislative Consultant
While in this position I noticed A need for legislative education. Two key entities that impact the population. After being approached by an agency and asked to train their individuals on these exact entities, my company was born.
Empowering Voices: How Advocacy Shaped Jessica Gould’s Career
It gives me a sense of pride to train people on how to use the legislative process to increase their voices and have the opportunity to help major entities. Come over hurdles they’ve been facing for years.
California’s Unique Advocacy System and Its Role in Jessica Gould’s Consulting Work
California actually has a built-in advocacy system that you can tap into. Once you know it exists. One of the key point components that I get to do is bring people into that world. There are entities of government and politics that do want to train people on legislative advocacy. We work together to make this work possible.
Overcoming Challenges: Fostering Unity and Collaboration in Disability Advocacy
The biggest challenge faced in my work is to get any group of individuals within the disability space or even outside the disability space to search for commonality versus differences. We have worked hard and partnerships have been developed, such as the partnerships we hold with the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Association of Regional Centers, The Landerman Housing Alliance, Cal Tash, and even a cordial relationship with the legislative bodies. True change will always take a long time. It is all about how entities can work together and not tear each other apart.
Tailored Training and Affordable Solutions
Our consulting agency is literally tailored to our clients, meaning although we train on legislative engagement, which has very technical formatting at the end of the day. What we focus on, how much we teach you, and how far you go, are completely designed by our clients. We also aim to give rock-bottom pricing.
Jessica Gould’s Vision for the Future of Disability Advocacy:
We would love to see the community of disability advocacy work on more of an interconnected space versus breaking it down into different disabilities. Where can we connect? We honestly believe the actions are stronger when we work together. We are stronger as one voice. This is our dream for the future of disability advocacy.
Jessica Gould’s Approach to Understanding the Needs of the Disabled Community
As an owner, I am a part of this community, so I am connected to it, but on top of that, I work with organizations that serve the community directly. My company gets invited to various organizational meetings and simply listens to the people facing the current issues that as an owner and developmentally disabled person may or may not be facing. With the permission of those groups, we then proceeded to have conversations on how to fix current issues in California and beyond.
Jessica Gould’s Ambitious Goals for J Gould Consulting
Our next big goal in 2025 is to get into as many states as possible to do training on various levels. We honestly believe that the disability rights movement can be stronger when we can unite. The only way to do that is to train as many organizations and as many entities as possible that serve this population as well as the population itself.
Jessica Gould’s Advice for New Disability Advocates
Keep in mind your passion for why you decided to start doing disability advocacy but also keep an open mind as to the ever-changing landscape of the overall needs of the disability community. Use your own story as a personal motivation to keep you going, but don’t let it lose your focus on the larger mission of disability rights and equality across the country.
Thank you
Thank you, Jessica Gould, for sharing your valuable insights and inspiring journey. Your dedication to advocacy and your vision for a united future in the disability community are truly remarkable. We appreciate your time and commitment to making a lasting impact.